Hell hath no fury

A frenzy of madness

perhaps masking a sadness

they rushed about my head

I lay in the darkness

aware of the starkness

of the room that held the bed

where am I? I’d asked of the girls in their masks

although they’d  appeared not to hear

they unplugged my tubes

then imparted sad news

to those that I hold so dear

the tears come so fast

now that i’ve passed

It was such a shock to all

least not to me as i’d choked on my tea

thats the very last thing I recall


The day it had started so wonderfully

now we’d had a little windfall

thousands of pounds had entered our bank

we planned how we’d spend it all

I find it abhorrent

it signed my death warrant

greed is a dreadful thing

you see I’d poisoned his tea

so it would all go to me

only fate had stepped in the way

I chose the wrong cup

and as I’d had a sup

I realised too late my mistake

for i’d left the poison out on the side

and now he knew what I’d done

he gave me a smile as he watched me choke

and slowly finished his bun…


I’ll come back and haunt him

oh yes I will

what a rotten trick to play

to give me the cup I’d intended for him

it was supposed to be his final day!

he’d fritter the money on stupid things

like a speed boat, race horse or a car

what she’d seen in him she just didn’t know

it really was quite bizarre

he’d acted so dumb made out he was daft

and now the old bugger he’d  got the last laugh!

well she’d make sure that he didn’t sleep anymore

she’d bump on the ceiling and bang on the floor

she’d drive him half crazy, he’d beg to be poor

and when he rejoined her at a later date,

she thought to herself

I’ll be waiting mate!

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