Bedtime story

I’ve tried all night to write some verse
But the thoughts never came
Though I tried to rehearse
Scenarios running through my mind
Tiny thoughts that scattered blind
Cos all I can think of is going to bed
Snuggling up and getting some Zeds

And would you believe it now that I’m here
Lids hanging heavy and vision all bleared
Instead of the slumber I held in delight
I’m sat writing poems long into the night

When I’m dying to close my weary eyes
Another line comes, Oh what a surprise…
And I’ve nothing to say that makes any sense
I could just stop, give up the pretence
Get back out of bed and sit in the dark
Pray inspiration will soon make its mark…

And leave in its wake
A sense of achievement. A mind so empty
A body in agreement
That drifts away to a dreamless sleep
To lay there until the daybreak shall peep

What is the chance that this may be

My bedtime story?

The story of me!

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