Owed to my Mother

Remembering last Mothers Day

before I had a clue,

of what this awful past 12 months

had in store for you,

I greedily took for granted

that you’d always be there,

dishing out large quantities of

your special love and care.

Didn’t see the fear behind your eyes

or the truth behind those guilty lies,

Or did I Instead, just bury my head?
Easier to ignore what might be in store,
until it just wouldn’t be ignored anymore.

The Doctors, consultants and hospitals too,
became part of everyday.
As you fought with all your spirit to make IT go away.

And I’m  so very proud of you
After all you’ve been subjected to
I don’t know how you’ve found your strength…

I hope I’ve been as strong

an unwilling witness to your pain

our happy life!

what went wrong?

I’ll always be here for you,
do anything you need.
I treasure our time together,
And I’m happy to take the lead. 

Because now it’s YOUR turn mother,
to soak up all MY love

and take it all for granted

and show a little greed.

Please stop worrying about being a nuisance or asking too much of me.

If the story had turned out differently,  

I’d now be writing your eulogy.

As it is, I thank God for everyday
I get to spend with you.

A mothers love is

a perfect love and

 My Mother




8 thoughts on “Owed to my Mother

  1. Reblogged this on Project Me 1st and commented:

    As Christmas is a time to reflect and give thanks, this old poem came to mind, Thankfully this Christmas is a much happier affair, Hold your loved ones close (even the ones that drive you crazy) and don’t be afraid to say I love you whilst you have the chance


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